Magnethane magnetic detectable conveyor belting an ideal choice for food service applications
Using conveyor belts made from urethane and other materials in the food industry has the disadvantage that pieces which separate off from the belt cannot be detected by metal detectors as they travel through the processing line. This incurs the likelihood that these undetected pieces will find their way into the final product, increasing the risk of harming consumers and necessitating product recalls.
To help address this problem, Canada Rubber Group Inc. is now supplying Magnethane magnetic detectable conveyor belting. Magnethane belting is specially formulated and exclusive blending of FDA compliant metal detectable thermoplastic resins. The unique combination of materials used in the Magnethane formulation has led to the creation of a totally new family of industrial food grade conveyor belting products. The magnetic signature of Magnethane products allows them to be seen by most metal detectors and X-ray devices used on packaging and production lines.
Immediate identification and removal of contamination is critical in food grade applications. Magnethane’s formulation allows any pieces of belt which chip, abrade, or separate to immediately register on a properly calibrated metal detector. This allows for the prompt removal of any contaminants which originate from the belt.
Magnethane Conveyor Belting: Features and Benefits
Magnethane magnetic detectable conveyor belting offers significant features and benefits. First, the detectable nature of Magnethane can minimize the risk of product recalls. Magnethane belting are compliant to FDA/USDA directives and requirements for direct food contact and are ideal for light to medium duty conveying and power transmission applications.
Magnethane is available as either flat conveyor belting or as round belting or V-belting. Flat belting is available in thicknesses from 1mm to 5mm, round belting from 1/8” to 1/2", and V-belting in Z, A, B and C sections.
Finally, Magnethane conveyor belting is an excellent material from which to fabricate custom cut parts – Canada Rubber Group Inc. can custom fabricate products from Magnethane belting which service a variety of applications.
To find out more about Magnethane magnetic detectable conveyor belting, or products that we can fabricate from it, contact our sales department at